Monday, April 18, 2011

The bunnies are coming to get me.......

 Bunny Nuggets, Flannel Rabbits, Bunny Slippers

 I've been over run with rabbits.Or maybe that should be I've been run over by rabbits. As with most holidays I don't really get crafty until about a week before. Which makes shipping an issue. It also makes me go nuts on craft overload.

Finished stuff and mostly finished stuff ---

Bunny Nuggets from the uber talented Rebeca Danger. Hers are really cute. Mine look a little deranged and the green one turned out like a slug.
Rabbit Softies (still to be stuffed) come from Martha Stewart. I used flannel and stash cotton instead of suiting. (who has suiting fabric lying around?)
Bunny Slippers are Mom's creations.( Aren't they cute!) She felted a basic slipper and added bunny features. They're sized for Thing 2 who's coming up on  her 3rd birthday.
In the works there's also this bunny. Two squares are done, I just have to make them into bunnies. A vest for Thing 1 is almost done. I'm down to choosing buttons. It's good I'm on a dead line since button decisions tend to be lengthy.
On the list of 'If I have time' -  boy's tie and bow tie

The Easter box will also have some very yellow clothes. The peasant dress (I made) from stash fabrics and sheet from the 70's. As a sheet the big yellow flowers are a little much but I like it with the white. The western shirts (Simplicity 5366) are Mom's continuing project from our attempt at making Toy Story clothes. Cow print vest and chaps were done for Christmas but the shirts turned into a larger undertaking. Cuffs and pearl snaps proved very difficult and much cursing was needed to finish. Snap pliers are now on their way. We shall never snap alone again!

1 comment:

Thank you for commenting! It's always nice to know I'm not just talking to myself.