Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Graupel and other oddities

The last few weeks have hammered home the fact that I don't live in coastal California anymore. Mother Nature, like a moody toddler,  seems to be in temper and holding onto winter. We have had snow, hail, graupel and icy rain storms that rush across the valley. Then there are little spots of sun that peek through the angry clouds to tempt us all to go out and admire the little green shoots that are spearing up from the ground. Just as I straighten from inspecting the strawberry beds greening back to life; the wind kicks up. Not a gentle breeze to make the daffodils nod their wet heads. No, this is a frigid north gale coming down from the Yukon to topple chickens and rip the ears off donkeys.  Spring is coming in like a lion this year. And lest you think I've gone off the rails, graupel is a real word and weather event. A good cloud burst will coat the landscape in tiny pellets that feel a bit like styrofoam and squeak under foot. Very strange.

In between cloud bursts, I've managed to do some gardening. An overgrown day lily has finally been dug out of the bed it was crowding; now the chickens are refusing to eat it. Two holes have been dug and duly lined with wire (take that, evil gopher!) for new cherry trees and a resting spot for Joey. (Poor dog has been in the freezer all this time.) A Rainier cherry and a Lapins cherry from the lovely people at Burnt Ridge Nursery arrived yesterday so if it ever stops raining today those will go in the ground.

Since weather has delayed most gardening I have been finishing up sewing projects. A dress for Thing 2 is nearly finished, just have to hem the skirt. I'm actually done with the dress before her birthday. Quite a novelty for me. Mom and I will be heading south at the end of the month to see E and the kids. At least this way I won't be tempted to use these gift tags.

 Two weeks after shipping off the Easter box I finally broke down and called, if nothing else to see if it had arrived. It had and the kids had a great Easter, everything was great. But I wouldn't have known  if I hadn't called and nagged it out of him. My brother has a singular talent of making me grind my teeth and turn me into a shrew. (The tags and other cool stuff is available at Knitterellla.)

For other paper goods to drool over check out  A Little Hut - especially the flowers.
For fabric lovelies go to  A Sewing Journal  and Kit + Lili. I love the graphic prints of the girls dresses.

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