Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm loving...

Vintage Embroidery

These happy fellows are from the Vitamin Ball Band.There are scads of these quirky designs online and in thrift shops. I've been doing some stitching in the afternoon's when it's to hot be outside. Well, after I've recovered from shleping wood and my core temperature returns to something approaching normal.

These are just a few sites where you can find embroidery patterns.

Beetastic Vogart Embroidery Transfers
French Knots
Flickr Vintage Embroidery Group
Hoop Love
Feeling Stitchy
Vintage Transfer Finds

Clearly I have a thing for anthropomorphic veggies.

1 comment:

  1. Many health benefits we have of eating a tomato. It really helps to improve our eyesight, lower blood pressure and boost stomach health. We should have proper intake of tomatoes.


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